I've done the sins, so here are four cardinal virtues, my take on them, and maybe a bit of commentary.
The Virtues aren't the ten commandments. That was just a set of doctrinal laws for living that Moses grabbed when he was up the mountain for a bit of a break from the wandering tribes. The Virtues are positive attributes to be embraced...I think.
So, without any more prattling from me, here they are:-
Prudence - Defined as "able to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time". In my case, it's a trifle lacking at times.
I'm prudent about course choice for a long ride, with regard to the group, traffic and prevailing wind.
But I tend to lack prudence about wet weather, metal roads and the suffering members of the group. Actually, those who suffer, it's good for them. I've done my fair share of googly eyed, handlebar chewing and dribbling as I pedal like a hunched crab, so why shouldn't they? Didn't do me any harm, or leave any scars.
I also lack prudence in terms of inflicting pranks, tomfoolery and practical jokes on my Resident Pain Dispenser.
I think something might be really funny, the small boy inside me says do it, so I do. Then I have to deal with an enraged kicking, punching, pinching spouse, who only gets angrier as I laugh. Not smart, so to pre-empt this behaviour in me, I have developed a strategy of always counting to ten and harking back to the time I gave her a wedgy, before I attempt the next act of domestic stupidity.
Justice -defined as "proper moderation between self-interest and the rights and needs of others". Amen to that, I can hold my head high here, I have a strong sense of justice and am proud of it.
I don't have a great deal of time for retribution as part of the justice process, but I would like more restorative justice. Especially for those who smash bottles on the road, they should restore the bottles to one piece, using their lips and tongue to complete the task.
Also I'm trying to think of a special class of justice for our mainstream media, who are obsessed with the trivial and the sensational. Why do I want to know that Paul Henry called what's her face a retard? Why do I care that Tiger Woods' wife used a golf club to rescue him from his car? What does getting married nude prove?
There must be a circle in hell that will be waiting for them all.
Restraint or Temperance - defined as "practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation". Can I pass on this one? I view temperance as a sin.
Courage or Fortitude - defined as " forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation".
This is a bit of a curate's egg for me. I can be tenacious and determined, but maybe that's just sheer bloody stupidity. I've always been a bit dubious of courage.
My Great Uncles had it in spades. When they were in their early teens they tested this in a fashion that became family lore. Thankfully this particular test wasn't enacted into a rite of passage for the subsequent generations.
What they did involved an axe, a chopping block and a finger. One said to the other "Place your finger on the block and I'll chop it off". So the other did place his finger on the block, exhibiting immense courage and trust. The axe was raised, then lowered at speed.
One believed the other would flinch and move. The other believed that first would stay the axe.
The axe fell and the finger came off.
Bit of a bugger really as the finger removed was the index finger of the right hand, the trigger finger, so the possessor of the stump never got to demonstrate his courage in serving King and Country.
So, if I was tested on virtue, I'd give myself about 50%, although I'm certain that some latitude can be granted because of my views on the sheer silliness of Temperance.
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