Monday, January 24, 2011


To quote Carl Sagan - It is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.

Here's a few of last night's photos of Tamaki Drive at the top of the tide with water inundating the road, wind howling and drizzle ripping through. It was a fantastic place to be.

For once, and it's not that often that it is the case, the Olympus E3 was top of the heap and envy of a couple of other dSLR users there. With it's weather sealing that is as good as anything else available, I was free to roam and make the most of the conditions. There was one chap with a decent Canon 7d, but he was trying to use it wrapped in a towel and plastic bag, not ideal. His envy of my freedom was vocal.

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To see other images of the night go here

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