Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So, K2 looms, and I had, until recently, avoided nerves and the usual level of self doubt. But, a sore left knee, an old war wound if you fancy, has reared it's ugly head. On Sunday, out for one last endurance ride before my date with misery in a fortnight, this ugly little imp of pain, decided to make it's presence known.

Up the Hunua Gorge it started muttering, on the final ramp it squeaked into life, and by the time of the little rise up to Hunua township I realised it was going to dog me for the day. I muttered apologies to my riding companions and turned for home, I rolled home slowly, a veritable Mr Grumpy. At least the day was fine, the wind was light and the sun was warm. It was the right call, but not one I am accustomed making.

With a little care, a change of cleats, and some commonsense, I am hopeful that it will go. The downside is that my nerves and anxieties have arrived.

Oddly, the couple of Race of 6 Friends races have stood me in good stead for the mental misery that awaits in the K2. As I know that I will not feel the despair of walking through assorted spectators due to my legs deciding "Enough!", I won't have team mates muttering at me, and feeling that there maybe a voodoo doll with my name on it being prepared. And, while my time around the K2 course does count, for pride as much as anything, it is a fun ride, not a race for me.

So, I have this forthcoming long weekend to ensure that I am as ready as I ever am, and then be done with it.

In the meantime, here is something to make you think.

Whale Fall (after life of a whale) from Sharon Shattuck on Vimeo.

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