Saturday, April 17, 2010

The comfort of women

I'd been meaning to post a little missive describing the excellent Friday night I had last week courtesy of Doris and Mikeal, but that can wait until I'm a faster and more accurate one handed typist.

Today I'll write of my moment of stupidity and the outcome.

For the Prawn of my Loins birthday he got a new BMX bike, and very bright Haro Forum from the good chaps at Planet Cycles, and today he and I went for his first outing to a skatepark with it.
Yesterday, he'd been most impressed to see Tristan, the best wheelbuilder in NZ, ride the birthday bike, manual, bunnyhop and otherwise perform tricks that I'm incapable of.

So back to today, we headed out to Shadbolt Park and it's little skatebowl. There the Kaos Kreator rode with aplomb. Jumping, bunyhopping, almost getting a manual off the coping and generally having a ball.

Time to finish, a lunch venue agreed on, and I had a brainfart. I rode to the top of the bowl, down flat out and jumped out the other side to land on the grass. My bike jumping skills are sub-par and my landing skills, even worse. the outcome was a shoulder first landing on the grass, I felt the crack and stood up and ran my left hand over my right collarbone. It wasn't the nice smooth thing it should be, instead the skin was tented by something a bit sharp and irregular.

A trip to A&E, a couple of x-rays and a small chat where I described me being a dick has resulted in a sling, some good pain relief and an appointment in a fortnight with an orthopaedic surgeon.

At least this time the bike was undamaged.

1 comment:

  1. It's after incidents like yours that I like to remember what a boss once told me: "If you never do anything, you'll never fuck up."
