Friday, June 25, 2010

Fly Pooh Corrosion

Hot off the wires .xxx is now coming at you via the interweb. That's right, porn addresses will be getting their own suffix .xxx, ergo no longer will you (or I) be able to say that you mistyped the URL and landed in something less than family orientated because you typed .com instead of .

In other breaking news, it dawned on me as I rode around in the dark yesterday morning, but I was simply too lackadaisical to address it promptly, that this august piece of meandering witlessness is now more than one year old. Looking back on it's first year has been interesting, I reached my apogee early and then since that moment in the blogging firmament have slide steadily back to the ooze.

Things I have learnt from my first year of writing for the consumption of others:-

People don't follow hyperlinks. Even when I had a link to the sheer naked hotness of Milla Jovovich, the masses didn't follow. A few grubby souls did and waxed lyrical, but generally speaking most links are missed.

Write anything about nudism, rubber glove seduction or poultry, and some serious strange search engine phrases start to turn up in the analytics.

Show people routes, maps and data, they just gobble it up.

The two most downloaded photos are a photo of Doris and Cynthia showing how to ride in an orderly fashion in a bunch and a picture of a slightly sculptural tree with a cloud. Go figure on the tree one, especially when it's been down loaded half a dozen times in Eastern Europe. The former I can appreciate why, the later, that's strange. Technically it's an okay photo, subject is nothing startling and it lacks real emotive subject matter, so I wonder why. Did I just happen to be lucky and catch some strange tree that has significance? Does it invoke a fertility ritual? Am I going to find it spread around the globe on some sort of strange Dig Faster, Work Sets You Free type poster?

Eat spam.

Okay that was just a test to see if you've read that far.

To celebrate, next weekend there will be a ride to satisfy the need for a challenge in me

Enough rambling. Happy Birthday Defy Evolution.

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