A chance for something different on a fine day.
This is a pictorial essay of sorts of a roll through some extraordinary parkland and reserve on the fringe of the Manukau Harbour, within 30 minutes ride of downtown.
Time, as we rolled along, was passed with tales of sunken Taiwanese fishing vessels in the Hauraki Gulf, discussion about CTB's recent dip off the end of the pontoon in the Oruarangi Creek and whether stabbing your girlfriend 200 odd times was a loss of control.
Turning back was never really considered, the only backtracking was forced by the tracks running out completely, but not until we had ridden to the very end of them. With a little backtracking, we found what we thought would be a continuation of the loop. The track disappeared and the markers random. On we pressed, riding and walking, through the magnificent landscape. Finally we found a race and rode out it to hit tarseal not far from the airport, immensely satisfied.
Strictly speaking, these are walking tracks, and in places have immense historical and cultural value, so deserve to be treated with respect. All bar the last section can be comfortably ridden on a road bike. Pick a fine, calm day and go and explore the lesser known parts of your world.
I want to explore the lesser known parts of my world, especially the soft, hairy, smelly bits of Nicole Cooke.