Friday, August 12, 2011

Everyone's a winner, baby!

I have enjoyed much amusement at a recent piece in Wired about studies in the esoteric field of zombie brains. While it had some serious postulations, and a great deal of humour, it did make me consider how close to zombies we are.
From that, it was a small step to thinking as to whether, if I was scanned in a crapulent state, I would exhibit similar neural patterns.
Frightening thought, as even though I am very much an average type bear, I can make a reasonable assumption that close to 50% of the population have intellectual horsepower that is equal or less than mine.
So, given that mass of humanity that represents, and how many of that mass enjoy the life-enhancing experience of a hangover on a regular state, does this mean that we have zombies in our midst most Saturday and Sunday mornings?
A worrying thought when I head out the door clad in the less than bite resistant cladding of lycra.

Well on to more positive things, I will throw up the link for day three of the thirty day song challenge - A song that makes me happy.
And after that dreadful tripe of yesterday, this song always makes me grin like a fool and feel warmth in my brain.

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